- Controller of Examinations
- Exam Schedule
- Exam Results
- Duties & Responsibilities of the Observer
Guidelines for the Paper Valuators
& Chairman Board of Examinations - Instructions To Invigilators
- Instructions To Students
- Revaluation Procedure
- Examination Manual
- Download Forms
The office of The Controller of Examinations (COE) has been established from the month of November 2022 since the conferment of Autonomous to the institution.
The Office of the Controller of Examinations shall be responsible for assessing continuous learning process of the students by maintaining best quality and standard in examination process and ensuring confidentiality. It is the duty of the COE to arrange, prepare, schedule, conduct, publish and maintain records of IAT and End Semester Examinations of the students of all UG and PG programmes.
The other responsibilities of the office are:
– Collection of student bio data from the students.
– Mapping Electives from the students for the current semester.
– Conducting IAT test for the students of various UG/PG Programmes.
– Preparation of exam schedule, Hall allocation and Seating arrangements for IAT.
– Collection of Question Papers from the departments, printing and disseminating for IAT test.
– Collecting Practical examination schedule from the departments.
– Appointment of External Examiners for practical examinations.
– Ensuring students attendance percentage during semester.
– Lack of attendance, debarred and withdrawal Panel of Examiners preparation from various Institution/Universities.
– Exam schedule preparation for Semester End Semester Examinations.
– Appointment of Hall Invigilators, Hall Chart, Seating arrangements, Squad and Chief Superintendent etc.
– Appointment of Evaluators, Chief Examiners and Chairman for Valuation.
– Publication of Results.
– Conducting Malpractice meeting, if any in the semester by Malpractice Committee.
– Conducting of revaluation and issuing photocopy to the students.
– Publishing revaluation results and Review process.
– Conduction of Special Supplementary examination.
– Printing of Statement of Grades, Consolidated Statement of Grades.
– Issue of Duplicate Grade Sheet/ Certificate etc.,
– Issue of Transcripts, CGPA to percentage conversion, Medium of Instruction, WES request etc.,
– Conduction of graduation day and issuing degree certificate.
– Assisting in student background verification.
Bearers of the office of “The Controller of Examinations”
S.No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. T.Dinesh | COE |
2 | Mr. R. Nantha Kumar | ACOE |
3 | Mr. R.Subaramani | Section Officer |
4 | Mr. M.R.Thuluk Kumar | Junior Assistant |
The Controller of Examinations,
90, Ushaa Garden, Kannigaipair,
Chennai Periyapalayam Highway,
Tamil Nadu 601102
91-86675 11121
The Office of the Controller of Examinations shall be responsible for assessing continuous learning process of the students by maintaining best quality and standard in examination process and ensuring confidentiality. It is the duty of the office of the Controller of Examinations to arrange, prepare, schedule, conduct, publish and maintain records of IAT and End Semester Examinations of the students of all UG and PG programme.
The ESE shall ordinarily be conducted between November and January during the odd semesters and between April and June in the even semesters.
All assessments of students will be done on the basis of absolute marks. However, for the purpose of reporting the performance of a student, letter grades, each carrying a certain number of points, will be awarded according to the total marks (out of 100) obtained by the student in each course.
Regulations 2022 UG-PG Schedule 1st Year 1st Sem (Revised) – View/Download
Regulations 2022 Nov/Dec24 UG Time Table 1st Year (Revised) – View/Download
Regulations 2022 Nov/Dec24 PG Time Table 1st Year – View/Download
– A student who secures not less than 50% of total marks prescribed for the course (both in IAT and ESE) with a minimum of 50% of the marks prescribed for the ESE in both theory and practical courses including Project work), shall be declared to have passed the Examination.
– In the event of failure of a student in the ESE of any course, the Continuous Internal Assessment marks obtained by the student in the first appearance of that course shall be retained and considered valid for only one subsequent attempt. However, if a second attempt is necessitated and the student fails to obtain pass marks (IAT+ESE) as per Clause 13.1 then the passing requirement shall be as follows:
– The student should secure 50% minimum marks prescribed for the course in the ESE alone and the related IAT marks obtained will not be considered or retained thereafter.
All the candidates irrespective of the GRADE/MARK secured in the End Semester Examinations can apply for Revaluation. Photocopy or Revaluation of the answer scripts are given only for theory courses. Practical/Online courses/optional language courses are not eligible for revaluation. A Candidate who would like to apply revaluation for a course, he/she need to obtain his/her photocopy of the answer script (of the course concerned) first thereby paying, course before the deadline mentioned. If any discrepancy is being noticed in the Photocopy of the answer script, the same may be brought to the notice of the Controller of Examination.
– After receiving the photocopy, the candidate can check discrepancies in awarded marks, total mistake and marks omitted etc., by his/her own or he/she can also discuss the same with course experts. If the expert(s) is/are convinced that the candidate deserve to get more marks than the awarded marks, then he/she can recommend the student to apply revaluation.
Duties and Responsibilities of the AUR:
1. The Observer shall reach the college one hour before the commencement of the Examination and contact the COE.
2. The Observer shall check all arrangements and take essential measures in consultation with the COE.
3. The Observer shall follow all instructions of the COE/Chief Superintendent.
4. The Observer MUST BE PRESENT when opening the question paper packets and checking the seal, date, etc. The sealed packets are opened only in the presence of the Observer, Chief Superintendent, COE, and Hall Superintendent.
5. The Observer shall ascertain the intactness of Question paper packets, and he has to sign on the Question paper cover with the time and date and verify the Question paper packets with the Time Table. If any discrepancy is found, it should be brought immediately to the notice of the COE/Chief Superintendent.
6. The Observer shall inspect all examination halls during frequent intervals and see that no student indulges in any type of Malpractice.
7. The Observer shall verify the authenticity of the candidate’s Identity who is writing the Examination. In case of any impersonation, he must bring it to the notice of the COE /Chief-Superintendent.
8. In the event of Malpractice, the Observer must immediately record the Malpractice case and inform the COE /Chief-Superintendent.
9. The Observer shall assist the COE in scrutinizing answer books at the closure of the Examination. He should ensure that the answer books are kept inside the packets and sealed with cellophane tapes in his presence. He has to affix his signature along with the facsimile of the Chief Superintendent.
10. In case of any serious lapses, the Observer shall at once bring the matter to the notice of the COE / Chief Superintendent.
Guidelines for the Paper Valuators and Chairman Board of Examinations:
The following guidelines are issued for the Central Valuation of answer scripts for UG & PG programmes, which the examiners should follow.
1. The Camp Officer, Chairman of the Board of Examinations, Chief examiners, and examiners are responsible for ensuring the proper conduct of paper valuation and entry of marks into the Examination Cell Software.
2. Valuation Time: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm with a lunch break of 1 hour between 1.00 pm. and 2.00 pm.
3. Examiners should report before 10.30 am and should remain in the Hall till 4.30 pm.
4. It is the responsibility of the Chairman to ensure the presence of examiners maintaining a separate attendance register and submit it to the camp officer daily for his counter signature.
5. The Chairman of the board of Examination shall arrange for the key to the question paper for each course concerned, on the first day of valuation. After ensuring the distribution of keys, Answer Scripts will be distributed to the examiners.
6. Each bundle will contain 25 answer scripts in case of UG/PG programmes, and each examiner is permitted to evaluate two bundles in a day.
7. It is the responsibility of the Chairman to evaluate 10% of answer scripts evaluated by the examiners under him and enter marks with a green pen.
8. The chairman and examiners are fully responsible for any legal issues arising in the paper valuation process.
9. Examiners will be given one bundle at a time. Each bundle should be valued for a minimum of two hours. After completing the first evaluated bundle, the Chairman verifies and signs the answer scripts, and then the examiner enters the marks in Examination Cell Software through intranet
10. The second bundle will be given only after completing the valuation and entry of the first bundle marks.
11. It is the responsibility of the Chairman to verify the marks entered in Examination Cell software with marks awarded in ESE answer booklet and submit the same in Examination Cell software. The correctness of marks entered should be authenticated by both the examiner and Chairman by affixing their signature on the top of the answer paper bundle cover.
12. The statement of answer scripts evaluated need to be submitted to COE at the time of making claim for remuneration for Evaluation of Answer Scripts.
13. Any discrepancy in marking or totalling in the answer scripts noted by the college authorities will be viewed seriously, and action will be initiated.
14. Silence should be maintained, and Mobile phones should be switched off during valuation.
15. The Chairman Board of Examination is fully responsible for the proper conduct of the entire valuation process, and he is legally bound for any unnecessary evaluation-related incident.
16. There will be one Chief Examiner for a maximum of six examiners.
Undertaking by the Examiners:
I _________________________ read the Examination Manual Vol. XVI and I am fully aware of all the facts mentioned in it.
Signature :
Designation :
Date :
Instructions To Invigilators:
1. Invigilation work is a part of the duty of all teaching staff members. No change or alternate arrangement for doing the invigilation work, without the approval of the chief superintendent.
2. The invigilators are requested to be present 45 minutes before the commencement of examination.
3. Incriminating materials including mobile phone, other gadgets are not permitted inside the hall.
4. The invigilators must verify the identity of students, check their register number in their hall tickets and in the answer book and then sign in the column provided for the invigilators.
5. The invigilators must also get the signature of the candidates present in the examination hall in the Attendance sheet supplied.
6. The attendance should be closed and Attendance sheets submitted after half-an-hour of starting of the examination.
7. The invigilators must remain inside the hall during the examination and should not substitute others in their place during the examination session.
8. The invigilators should not attend to any other work in the examination hall. They must be on the move in the examination hall and see that there is no malpractice by the student.
9. Any malpractice or copying by the students must be immediately reported to the Chief Superintendent with the material and evidence.
10. The invigilators must collect the answer books as and when the students complete the examination, arrange them and hand them over to the Observer. He must wait till answer papers are checked and received by the Observer.
11. The members of the staff who are availing leave in case of emergency/medical grounds during examination days are requested to inform the Chief Superintendent.
12. Any problem / grievances during examination may be represented to examination committee.
Instructions To Students:
1. Students should come fully prepared and take their examinations seriously.
2. Students can enter the Hall only 20 minutes before the Autonomous Semester Examination commencement. They can be allowed to enter the Hall only up to 30 minutes from the commencement of the examinations.
3. Students should keep their belongings that are not required for examinations outside the Hall (or) at the place specified by the college authorities, at their own risk.
4. Students can carry materials like pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, calculators, Hall ticket, and ID card.
5. Students without Hall-Ticket and ID-Card shall not be permitted to write the Examination.
6. Malpractice, if any, such as possession of incriminating materials, including mobile phone, earphones, smartwatch, in the examination hall and copying during the Examination, will be severely dealt with by imposing punishments such as cancellation of Examination taken and debarring in future examinations or even dismissal from the College.
7. Students are restricted from writing anything on the question paper, hall ticket (or) anywhere in the Hall except in the answer script.
8. The students must check the intactness of their answer script before handing over the same to invigilators.
9. Before leaving the examination hall, students should take all the writing materials, Hall-Ticket, ID-Card, etc.
10. Students are restricted from re-entering the Hall for any reason without the prior permission of the chief superintendent
- Application Form for Photocopy of Answer Script
- Application Form for Answer Script Revaluation (UG)
- Application Form for Answer Script Revaluation (PG)
- Recommendation for Revaluation
- Application for Condonation
- Transcript Procedure and Application Form
- Duplicate Certificate Procedure and Application Form
- Ph.D Coursework Registration Form
- Application for Name Correction in Grade Sheet
- Application for NPTEL Course Registration
- Application for withdrawal
- Application for Credit Transfer for NPTEL Courses
- Exam Duty Alteration (Faculty) Form
- Improvement Test Application Form
- Application for Authorized Break of Study
- Application for Exception of Professional Elective
- Application Form for Challenge
- Application Form for Scribe
- Application Form for Exception of Open Elective
- Certificate for Medium of Instruction
- CGPA to Percentage Conversion Certificate
- Medical Leave Application Form
- Scribe Joint Declaration Form