- Green Campus Initiative
- Waste Management
- Alternate Energy Source
- Water Conservation
- Barrier Free Environment
- Internet & WiFi
- Smart Classroom
- Multi-Gym
- Maintenance
Save Mother Earth for future generations by implementing sustainability initiatives in J.N.N Institute of Engineering and the surrounding community to conserve and responsibly use water, soil, air, and other natural resources.
1. Be a socially responsible institution in promoting waste management among the communities in and around Tiruvallur by encouraging them to refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle waste.
2. Be a role model for green practises and transfer technology for sustainable practises, as well as instil best practises in youth.
3. Waste management education, waste reduction, waste segregation, recycling, and the preservation of clean air, water, and soil for future generations are all important.
4. Encourage alternative employment opportunities in waste management – such as plastic, paper, and so on.
5.Implement a cleanliness and hygiene campaign aimed at achieving zero waste generation.
6. Bring out various models for making clean water available to all people.
7. In the campus, a model centre in vermi-compost manure from segregated waste is being built to showcase the best recycling models
8. Ensure community involvement in understanding the importance of keeping the environment clean through the use of various viable technologies.
9. Pilot low-cost technologies that assist rural communities in transforming and promoting sanitation and hygiene indicators.
– Waste management: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle
– E – waste management
– Awareness and capacity building on waste resource management
– Composting
– Water management
– Hygienic surroundings
– Green and Clean environment
– Soil conservation
– Reduction of Pollution
The institution understands the significance of green and cleanliness. Despite the fact that the institution is located far from the city, we believe in keeping the campus lush green. We have excellent landscaping and recycle grey water to water the plants on campus. To the greatest extent possible, the institution has planted a large number of trees in order to maintain carbon dioxide neutrality.
Some of the measures taken for a clean and eco-friendly environment are:
Mode of transport: Students are encouraged to use bicycles inside the campus.
Plastic-free campus: Management believes in promoting plastic free campus. The usage of flex boards is completely banned. Everyday morning and evening the garbage are collected by appointed outside agencies to maintain the cleanliness of the campus.
Carbon neutral initiatives: All our Circulars, office orders and letters are released in the digital mode only. Our paper usage is very minimum.
Rainwater harvesting: We have more than 10 rain water harvesting mechanism throughout the academic as well as hostel premises.
Awareness and Training Programs: The institution will ensure that training programmes on environmental related issues to create awareness among students, faculty and the neighbouring community.
Regulations Of Green Policy
1. Students’ access to four-wheeled vehicles is limited on campus.
2. The two-wheelers are permitted to park in the student parking spaces.
3. Faculty members have a designated parking space for their cars.
4. The guests can only enter their vehicles with permission from the authorities.
5. Monday through Friday, all visitors to campus must register their vehicle with Campus Safety before parking on campus.
6. Any car unrestricted on campus between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. is deemed to have been parked overnight. Overnight parking is only permitted with a permit and in designated lots.
7. Students who break the laws should face disciplinary measures.
8. There are faculty members on hand to inspect the condition of automobiles entering the campus.
9. The assigned faculty members monitor the proper operation of the laws governing the entry of automobiles into campus.
10. Ensure that the parking areas are clean and well-kept.
11. Checking on a regular basis to ensure that the parking area is optimal.
12. Checking for some parking lot repairs.
13. Ensuring that the sign boards are properly positioned.
14. Ensure that all institutions have plastic-free campuses. Students and faculty must work together to achieve this goal in project mode.
15. Plastics should not be used in canteens or on the grounds of the institution.
16. Students may be prohibited from bringing non-biodegradable plastic products into the institution.
17. Any student will make an effort to eliminate plastic from his or her household.
18. Installation of appropriate alternative services, such as water dispensers, to reduce the purchase and usage of plastic water bottles.
19. Ensure presence of alternative solutions like cloth bags etc. to plastic bottles. covers and other goods on campuses.
20. Organizing activities and poster contests, among other things, to promote the design of ecological and environmentally friendly products in order to reduce the use of single-use plastic.
21. If someone brings my non-biodegradable waste, please place it in a separate waste bin labelled.
22. Check for the use of plastic on campus on a daily basis, and ensure that students use alternative facilities.
23. If any waste is discovered on campus, it is removed on a regular basis.
The Management of J.N.N Institute of Engineering focuses on maintaining an eco-friendly campus. Numerous initiatives have been taken to ensure the green credentials of the Campus and provide a pollution-free environment for all stakeholders and neighbouring communities.
Solid Waste Management
Solid waste is segregated into wet waste and dry waste. All buildings have dustbins to segregate waste at the source. Removal of waste from dustbins is undertaken daily in order to maintain the cleanliness of the Campus. Non-biodegradable waste such as plastic and metal is segregated and handed over to approved scrap agents for processing. Wet waste such as fruit and vegetable peels, eggshells, meat, bones, food scraps, rotten leaves and flowers, paper etc., are disposed through the Solid Waste Plant at our Institution. Natural decomposing agents are added, and the waste is left to decompose at collection pits. Bleaching methods are adopted to neutralize unpleasant smells emitted by wet waste. Food waste is fed to the Biogas plant which produces gas that is circulated back to the kitchen. Any surplus food is donated to a local ashram. Nutrient-rich manure is obtained from the Solid Waste Plant and the biogas plant at our Institution.
Liquid Waste Management
Disposal of liquid waste required proper care and handling. All liquid waste is gathered through pipelines and fed into the Sewage Treatment Plant at the Institution. The sewage is kept in storage tanks and then moved to the treatment tanks. Here, bacteria and other microorganisms break down the waste into sludge and water. Finally, the treated water is pumped into aeration tanks before being utilized for garden purposes through sprinklers. A Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant has been installed in the Campus to purify water from borewells and convert them into water fit for human consumption. The rejected water from the plant is used to water the plants in the garden and circulated through pipes for usage in washrooms. All pipes are regularly checked for leakages and to avoid wastage of water.
E-waste Management
Electronic products nearing the end of their useful life are termed e-waste. E-waste can be potentially hazardous if not appropriately managed. To ensure that e-waste is kept to a minimum, all electronic equipment are routinely maintained and repaired. All e-waste generated, such as computer components, batteries, lab equipment components, CCTV components etc., are segregated and stored in a room. They are then handed over to professional e-waste recyclers authorized by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control board. E-waste that cannot be recycled is disposed of by approved vendors.
Biomedical Waste Management
Empty medicine bottles, sanitary napkins and used tissue papers are examples of biomedical waste. Incinerators placed at restrooms are used to dispose of sanitary napkin and tissue papers. Other biomedical wastes are disposed of through designated pits in the Campus.
Waste Recycling
With the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and RO Plant, water is treated and recycled again and stored in water tanks. This treated water is used for watering the plants in the garden.
As per the “Persons with Disabilities Act, 1996″ enacted by the Government of India on January
Institution creates barrier free environment for persons with disabilities. In regard to nondiscrimination in the built environment, provisions have been made in this Act for ramps in all blocks, adaptation of toilets for wheel chair users and also tactile path for vision impaired persons.
Facilities in J.N.N Institute of Engineering for Disabled persons
➢ Wheelchair
➢ Wheelchair Ramp
➢ Disabled Washroom
➢ Signage: signs provide a clear designation of places, warning and routing information
➢ Our college also provide Wheelchairs for persons with moving disability.
Mobility Devices usage policies
➢ A wheelchair ramp is not only allowing for case of use with wheelchairs but also able-bodied
➢ Wheelchair is also provided for person with moving disability
➢ Lift is also available for disabled persons
➢ Disabled washroom is not only allowing for case of use with disabled persons but also
able-bodied individuals.
Lift Usage Policy
➢ Lift is available for staff and persons with physically challenged.
➢ Arrange for thorough examinations for lifts at a frequency specified by the competent
person and not exceeding every six months.
➢ Obtain, and retain for inspection, a report/certificate that gives information on the safety
of the lift.
➢ Maintain the lift in accordance with manufacturer or installers instructions and to keep an
up-to-date maintenance log.
➢ Instruct staff in the safe use of lift, including emergency procedures associated with them.
➢ Train key staff in the procedures to be taken in the event of a lift breakdown and when
and how persons are to be released.
➢ Train key staff to carry out routine safety checks.
➢ keep all moving parts of the machinery guarded
➢ Prevent unauthorized persons from entering the lift plant room.
J.N.N. Institute of Engineering has various I.T. facilities like Computers, Wi-Fi access points, Projectors, Smart Interactive Boards, Servers, Software, CCTV Cameras and other I.T. hardware. The following is a brief account of the facilities mentioned above.
The Institution regularly upgrades its I.T. infrastructure to meet the current requirements and fulfils the norms of AICTE and Anna University. The college previously availed an Internet leased line from Vodafone with 32 Mbps bandwidth, and it has been upgraded to a 100 Mbps connection provided by Reliance Jio and Airnet. Wi-Fi connectivity is provided in the campus’s administrative and academic areas through Ubiquiti access points. Additionally, ethernet ports are provided all through the campus for internet connectivity. V-LAN network is implemented to connect all the systems with the Internet.
There are a total of 310 computers available on the college premises. Staff rooms are provided with Wi-Fi facility to enhance the teaching-learning process. Wi-Fi is also provided in the boys and girls hostel to enhance their skills through online courses, projects, and accessing study materials.
MicroTik router and firewall are available to safeguard the network from cyber or phishing attacks. It offers stateful and deep packet inspection over the network, application and user identity-based security. It is also used to provide login credentials to all students and faculty for accessing Wi-Fi.
The college uses CAMU Digital Campus, a web-based ERP, to manage data across the campus. It offers an integrated Student Information System (S.I.S.) and Learning Management System (L.M.S.), and 15 other modules to manage various aspects effectively. The Institution has purchased licensed software and uses open-source software to meet the needs of the curriculum. The Institution subscribes to the Microsoft Edu Cloud program to provide Office 365 accounts to faculty and students to enable online classes.
The Institution has five computer laboratories with the necessary software to continuously facilitate the operations of the departments. All laboratories are updated with the latest version of software and hardware, such as the processor is upgraded to Core 2 Duo, Intel i3/i5. High-end I.B.M Xeon servers are available for the smooth conduct of various online exams, feedback systems, and training. For uninterrupted computer usage, U.P.S. is available at all computer laboratories. Effective utilization of I.T. infrastructure is ensured by the appointment of adequate and well-qualified lab technicians/system administrators.
The college I.C.T. facility includes projectors, Smart interactive boards, portable microphones, a P.A. system, and a laptop with internet access to hold lectures, presentations, webinars, conferences, guest lectures, and workshops.
A CCTV system monitors the entire campus. CCTV cameras are placed at strategic positions to help monitor campus events. This facility ensures that there is no ragging in the college. Printers and scanners used at offices, staff rooms, and library are regularly serviced and upgraded
Upgradations to I.T. Facilities are mentioned below.
Wi-Fi Facility: Ubiquiti Access Points
Name of the Internet provider: Reliance Jio and AirNet
Available Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
Wi-Fi Availability: Available in administrative and academic blocks
Computers: 275 Nodes
Security arrangements: Microtik Router/Firewall and Windows Antivirus
ICT Enabled Teaching Learning Process – View/Download Details
Classrooms with ICT Facilities – View/Download Details
A Smart Classroom is the ultimate self-service, presenter-friendly environment and conducive to the teaching / learning process. The required resources of the faculty are permanent classroom placed in simple, easy-to-use configurations. Collaborative learning environment, simple, friendly and non-intimidating classroom technology inspire the presenters who rely on improvisation, spontaneity and audience participation.
Classroom computer supports interactive learning, facilitating a shift from disclosing information to processing information from 70% presentation and 30% demonstration. These changes in the teaching and learning process enhance the students who are more actively engaged in the classroom environment.
All the classrooms are ‘smart’, with high-speed data networks and LCD projectors for audio and video. The 4 specially designated Smart Classrooms include a touch enabled interactive device for an immersive learning experience.

Maintenance Records: View/Download
J.N.N Institute of Engineering ensures that the available financial resources are optimally distributed and used for the maintenance and upkeep of various facilities by holding regular meetings of various committees established for this purpose and using the funds obtained by the college following the requirements in the interest of students.
Utilization and Maintenance of Physical, Sports Complex and Support Facilities
The Institution holds well-established standard systems and procedures for maintaining the physical, academic and support facilities such as buildings, laboratories, classrooms, library, sports complex, computers, etc. The Administrative Officer Estate is responsible for maintaining facilities such as buildings, transport, electrical, housekeeping, gardening etc. The Administrative Officer is assisted by Civil Engineer, Electrical maintenance in-charge, Transport in-charge and Housekeeping in-charge.
The housekeeping staff is doing regular cleaning of college floors, classrooms, laboratories, equipment and restrooms. Stock verification of all laboratories and other facilities is done at the end of every year by the staff members from other departments. The report is submitted to the Principal.
Maintenance of Laboratory Equipment
Periodical check-up of equipment is carried out as per schedule by the laboratory in-charge. The measuring instruments are calibrated regularly. Besides, maintenance is done monthly and yearly, and the respective registers are maintained in the laboratories. As per the requirement, minor repairs are carried out by the laboratory in-charge or faculty member.
For major repairs, the following procedure is followed:
– The service request is forwarded to the Head of the Department through the laboratory in-charge, and the Head of the Department reports it to the Principal.
– After approval, a Quotation for service is called for and the recommended service provider is identified and forwarded to the Principal.
– After approval, the service is carried out in the presence of the laboratory in-charge.
– After service, the work completion statement and bills are submitted to the accounts department.
Computer Maintenance
An in-house IT admin team takes care of the maintenance of computers. Preventive maintenance and breakdown maintenance procedure is followed. Installation of antivirus and firewall ensures that the software and system are secured. A weekly status check on the hardware and software condition of the machines is undertaken, and the same is noted in a maintenance register. If the problem is minor, the technical support staff of the laboratory will rectify it. For major failures, support from the vendor is taken.
Classrooms, Seminar Halls, Auditoriums Maintenance
The college has a building committee for the maintenance and upkeep of infrastructure. At the departmental level, HoDs submit their requirements to the Principal regarding classroom furniture and other requirements. The college development fund is utilized to maintain and minor repair furniture and other electrical equipment. With the help of the sweepers, the cleanliness of classrooms is maintained. They are well equipped with modern tools for cleaning, such as mops and vacuum cleaners. Students are sensitized regarding cleanliness and motivated for energy conservation by responsible use of electricity in the classrooms. J.N.N.I.E has its workshop where furniture repair is done without any charges. There are technicians, masons, plumbers, carpenters deputed by management who ensure the maintenance of classrooms and related infrastructure.
Library Maintenance
The requirement and list of books are taken from the concerned departments, and HoDs are involved in the process. The finalized list of required books is duly approved and signed by the Principal. To ensure the return of books, ‘no dues’ from the library is mandatory for students before appearing in the exam. The proper account of visitors (students and staff) on a daily basis is maintained. Other issues such as weeding out of old titles, schedule of issue/ return of books, etc., are chalked out / resolved by the library committee. The central library has a reading hall and digital library with internet for students to access e-journals. The books are cleaned at periodic intervals to reduce the damage caused by dust, insects and pest infestation.
Sports Infrastructure Maintenance
The Physical director properly maintains indoor and outdoor sports infrastructure and gym facilities. If any new equipment needs to be purchased or any existing equipment needs to be replaced, permission is taken from the Principal and purchased through the Administrative officer. Playfield and gym equipment are also maintained regularly.
Garden Maintenance
The gardener appointed by the Institution looks after the trees, plants and maintains and garden. Adequate care is taken to ensure the lawns are mowed and decorative plants are pruned, and weeds removed. The campus has a vegetable garden, and the produce is used in the college canteen and enjoyed by students and faculty.
Air-Conditioner Maintenance
The regular maintenance of AC filters and gas-filling for air conditioners and water coolers in the campus is attended to periodically or as required by the in-house maintenance team.
CCTV, RO Water Plant and Sewage Treatment Plant Maintenance
The optimum working condition of CCTV cameras, Reverse Osmosis plant and Sewage Treatment Plant is ensured by skilled workers of our college. RO Plant with a capacity of 1000 LPH and Sewage Treatment Plant of thirty thousand litres per day are maintained in-house by the team.
Electrical Maintenance
The certified electrician on the campus takes care of electrical maintenance. Generators (85 KvA), Motors, Speakers and other electrical items are maintained and serviced at proper intervals.
Civil Work Maintenance
The Civil engineer appointed by the Institution maintains all the civil infrastructure at the campus. A skilled workforce is used for regular upkeep and repairs of buildings. He overlooks Painting, masonry and plasterwork, carpentry and plumbing work periodically, and the status is reported to the Head of the Institution.
Transport Maintenance
The Institution owns a fleet of buses provided to all students and faculty. It connects to all the areas of Chennai and neighbouring districts for the convenience of students and faculty. The cleaners regularly clean buses, check for periodic maintenance of tyres, batteries etc. The qualified transport team carries out roadside assistance, tinkering, painting and other repairs. The Institution has its fuel station to meet the requirements.