The University Grants Commission (UGC), India has made a policy decision to direct all Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) to establish Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and to provide seed financial assistance for the same. It has also issued Guidelines for the establishment and monitoring of IQACs. Maintaining the momentum of quality consciousness is crucial in HEIs. IQAC, an internal quality assurance mechanism of the institution, is conceived as a mechanism to build and ensure a quality culture at the institutional level.

Every HEI should have an internal quality assurance system, with appropriate structure and processes, and with enough flexibility to meet the diverse needs of the stakeholders. The IQAC is meant for planning, guiding and monitoring Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the HEIs. The IQAC may channelize and systematize the efforts and measures of an institution towards academic excellence. It should not be yet another hierarchical structure or record-keeping exercise in the institution; it would be a facilitative and participative organ of the institution. The IQAC should become a driving force for ushering in quality by working out intervention strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality.


According to the UGC Guidelines, the IQAC shall be constituted under the chairmanship of the head of the HEI. He/she may be assisted by a Coordinator who shall be a senior faculty member. The IQAC shall have the following composition:

- Head of the HEI - Principal;

- Five senior teachers

- One senior administrative official - Members

Two external experts on Quality Management/ Industry/ Local Community - Members

- Director/Coordinator of IQAC - Member Secretary.

The senior teachers and administrative official shall be nominated by the Head of the HEI in consultation with the academic body of the HEI Academic Committee of a College. The membership of such nominated members shall be for a period of two years. The IQAC should meet at least once in a quarter. The quorum for the meeting shall be two-third of the total number of members. The agenda, minutes and Reports are to be documented with official signatures and maintained electronically in a retrievable format.


- To ensure continuous improvement in the entire operations of the Institution.

- To ensure stakeholders connected with education including parents, teachers, staff, employers, funding agencies, society in general, of its own quality and probity.

- To develop a quality system for conscious, consistent and programmed action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.

- To promote measures for driving Institutional functioning towards quality enhancement and Institutionalization of best practices.


- Development and application of quality benchmarks/ parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the Institution.

- Arrangement for feedback responses from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality related processes of the Institution.

- To ensure a highest level of clarity and focus in Institutional functioning towards quality enhancement and internalization of the quality culture NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education.

- Organization of workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.


1. Mentoring System

The Mentor-Mentee system has been followed for personal counseling and grievance redressal of the students. Mentoring is a student monitoring process. All the personal, academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular information about the student is recorded in the mentor book and maintained by the respective faculty mentors. Each student’s academic and other activities are keenly monitored by the mentors. They take the responsibility of providing additional coaching classes for the slow learners if any, with the help of the class in charge.

Mentors also give extra focus on the students having backlog arrears by conducting additional coaching classes for the slow learners to ensure improved performance. Students with the idea of dropping out are specifically counseled by addressing their problem and are motivated to be retained. Ethical and moral values are imparted to the students regularly during the mentoring. Students participating in club and sports activities are encouraged to improve the leadership qualities. Parent meetings are conducted by inviting parents to discuss their ward's performance.

A mentor is assigned to each class whose roles and responsibilities are to

- Monitor the performance of each student in terms of their discipline, attendance, internal assessment, university results and communicate to the department head and dispatch the same reports to the parents and get endorsed.

- Arrange special classes and retests for slow learners and conduct class committee meetings to understand and resolve the problems that hinder the performance of students.

- Arrange guest lectures, industrial visits, organize certificate courses and other skill development programs.

- Maintain the student's profile, which has details of each student that will enable the staff to understand the strength, weakness, and level of monitoring required.

2. Outcome Based Education

The practice of Outcome-Based education has been introduced in the year 2017. As a part of it, the course outcomes (CO) of a particular course defined by the subject expert, Programme Educational Objectives (PEO), and Program Outcomes (PO) are well communicated and disseminated to the stakeholders. The outcome is measured for each course and the attainment of Program Outcome is calculated by PO-CO matrix. Finally, Programme Educational Objectives and Program Outcomes performance is calculated using the PO-PEO matrix. Content beyond syllabus has been taught to bridge the gap between syllabus & recent trends in Technology by conducting seminars, workshops, projects, and Industrial Visits.



It is hereby informed that Internal Quality Assurance Cell Composition has been constituted as mandated by NAAC and the IQAC Composition is as follows.


TitleName & Designation
ChairpersonDr. K.Ganesan, Principal
Management MemberMr. Naveen Jayachadran, Vice Chairman
Administrative OfficerMr. C.R.Ravisanker
Members – FacultyDr. S.Yuvaraj – Robotics & Automation
Mr. B.Rajakumar– AI&DS
Mrs. N.Malathy – ECE
Mr. S.Senthilnathan- CSE
Mr. J.Balachander–CSE (Cyber)
Ms. V.Kavitha – AGRI
Mrs. G.GnancySubha– BME
Mrs. V.Tharakeswari- S&H
Mrs. P.Yasodha – MBA
Members – StudentsMs. P.Priyadharshini, III YEAR, ECE
Ms. P.Supriya, IV YEAR, AI&DS
Mr. G.R.Lokkeshwaran, III Year, R&A
Ms. Vakati Lasya, IV Year, CSE
AlumniMs. Roobini Chitra V – ECE (Batch 2016-2020)
Ms. Pavithra K– CSE (Batch 2017-2021)
IndustrialistMr. M. Murugan, M V Power Consultant Engg. Pvt. Ltd.
CoordinatorDr. N.VenkatesvaraRao – AIDS